Geometric progression

Arithmetic and Geometric progressions.

Geometric progression

Postby Guest » Fri Jun 08, 2012 12:07 pm

If any geometric progression's the (p+q)'th term is n and (p-q)'th term is m then find the p'th and q'th term

Re: Geometric progression

Postby Guest » Mon Jun 11, 2012 2:50 am

Here are geometric progression formulas.

p + q = n

p - q = m

We add the both equations and get
(p + q) + (p - q) = n + m
2p = n + m
p = (n + m)/2

we subtract the both simultaneous equations and we get
(p + q) - (p - q) = n - m
2q = n - m
q = (n - m)/2

As we see we never use the condition that both p and q form a geometric progression

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